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#Artichokes ricetta di Riolo


  • 4 good size artichokes
  • 1/2 lbs shrimp and/or crab, scallops
  • 1 dozen large clams
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley
  • 1 Tbs lemon zest
  • 1 cup white wine split
  • 1 med tomato fine diced
  • 2 cups Italian bread crumbs (Progresso)
  • 1 cup parmesan cheese
  • 4 Tbs olive oil
  • Lemon wedges for serving (optional)


Trim small lower leaves from artichokes and cut the stem so they stand up. Cut the very top inch off with a sharp knife

Steam them face down for about 20 to 30 min until tender but not done. Set aside to cool

Cook cleaned clams in white wine until they open. Let cool and remove meat.

Clean and chop shrimp, 1/4 inch dice.

Sauté onion with 2 Tbs olive oil over med heat till soft. Add garlic, red pepper, and lemon zest and cook for 1 to 2 minutes

Add tomatoes and parsley. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes

Add 1/4 cup white wine and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add diced shrimp and cook till done (2 minutes). Add clams and 2 Tsp of the clam juice. Cook till warmed through.

In a mixing bowl, combine bread crumbs, 3/4 cup cheese and the seafood mix. Stir with spoon

Spread leaves of artichokes and force stuffing mixture between the leaves starting from the center and moving outward.

Place back into steamer face up. Don’t overcrowd. You may need to do in two batches. Top with remaining cheese and drizzle olive oil over top.

Steam till done and a sharp fork or knife goes through effortlessly. Anywhere from 20 minutes to 40 minutes depending on the size and nature of the artichokes. Test a large leaf and see if it scrapes off easily with your front teeth.

Serve with lemon wedges if desired

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