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4 Servings
Shared By Jacob Hull



  • 1 quart plain whole milk yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • Cheesecloth, for straining


In a medium bowl, stir together that yogurt, lemon juice, and salt.

Put 4 to 6 overlapping layers of cheesecloth into a fine mesh sieve so that the cheesecloth hangs a few inches over the edge of the sieve on each side. place the sieve over a bowl that completely contained it and at least 1 inch of space at the bottom to collect the way drippings.

Scoop the yogurt mixture into the center of the cheesecloth, gather the ends together, and secure it at the top with a twist tie or rubber band. Place a small plate on top of the cheese cloth bundle to lightly weigh it down.

Place the bowl with the sieve in the refrigerator and let it strain for three days. If the board doesn’t have a lot of space for drippings at the bottom, check it periodically and pour out the way so that the yogurt isn’t touching the liquid.

After three days, open the cheesecloth and transfer the Labneh to a dish. Serve right away or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one month.

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