Add the gluten free caputo flour and salt to a large mixing bowl and stir together.
Add the warm water, sugar, olive oil and active dried yeast to the mixture. Use a wooden spoon to bring the mixture together – it will quickly become quite thick and sticky so you will need some strong arms! Alternatively you can use a stand mixture with a hook attachment.
Once the mixture has come together into a thick, sticky dough, lightly dust a work surface with some extra gluten free flour then use a dough scraper to turn the dough out onto the worktop.
Lightly flour your hands and knead the dough until it forms a smooth ball. You don't need to add a lot of extra flour at all.
Grease the bowl with a little olive oil then place the ball of dough back in and cover loosely with oiled clingfilm and a tea towel. Place in a warm spot and leave to prove for an hour until the dough has doubled in size. It may take less time in a warm room, or longer in a cold room.
Once the dough has proved, preheat the oven to 240C. Either divide the dough into 2 balls (to make 2 x 8-inch pizzas) or keep as one for a single, 12-inch pizza.
Place the dough on a sheet of baking paper, lightly oil your hands and press the dough out to form a circle shape. It will puff up in the oven so you can press it quite thin, around 5-10mm. If using a baking tray just place the baking paper on top of it.
Top the pizza with your chosen sauce and toppings and then bake in the hot oven for 15 minutes until the crusts have puffed up and the toppings are melted and bubbling. Serve hot.